
Friday, January 13, 2006


I don't do New Year Resolutions. I figure, if I need to commit to a change of some kind, why wait until some arbitrary date? Do I need to lose weight? Abso-freakin'-lutely. Should I update this thing more often? Duh. Do I need to get back into school and use all those credits to upgrade to a degree? Darn tootin'.

So why don't I do these things that I need to do? I'm generally a procrastinator, so that certainly plays a part. I know that, and I recognize when I'm doing it - you should see me when there is a phone call that I don't want to make. I'm not opposed to working hard - I regularly meet unreasonable deadlines at work.

I guess I just don't really feel invested in these goals. I should be. Other than the seven pounds I lost over the holidays, I'm weighing the most I ever have. Convenience food is just that - convenient. I don't snack very often, I just don't exercise or necessarily eat healthy meals. At thirty, I really cannot attribute my lower back aches to age, nor do I work in a warehouse lifting crates of imported sweatshop goods. Lugging this root beer belly around is taking its toll.

As far as this blog - I tend to think of things to write when I'm away from the computer. When I get to a place where I could type it up, I am nowhere near as interesting as I previously believed myself to be. Not to mention, as I find more and more evidence of people who write better than myself, my inner perfectionist suggests I should wait until my wit ratio has risen a few points. I mean, heck, I don't lack for links-of-the-moment. You could probably measure it with two bevies. I envy some of the folks over on my link list to the right - I just can't seem to update with nearly the frequency I want to.

And school? I usually hide behind the time excuse, because it's a good one. I get up by 0600, get everyone else ready and out the door by 0715, get back home at 1800 (if there are no activities for the kids), kids fed and in bed by 2000, and daily household chores done by 2100. But you know, she'd be pretty supportive of my getting a degree under my belt, and my father has clearly demonstrated his willingness to pick up and watch the kids (more on that in another entry), so things could be juggled. I'm not rich by any means, but I also don't need the newest game or what have you, and my debt is managable.

I dropped out of college the first time I tried it. After a brief hiatus, I started at the local community college. After my first son was born, money was tight, and I cut back on classes until I eventually just stopped going. Now I could probably swing it - but I'm significantly out of practice. I also know that I'd have to start over on a lot of things - I suspect a number of my credits are currently only relevant to the database they are stored in. So... yeah.

Anyway, this is going for longer than I planned.

Link of the moment: Not sure how much time you have left to do the things you always meant to? Find out!


  • Sometimes it takes a good amount of mental prepping to get one moving in a direction we want and know we should travel.

    I'm the same way as you, procrastinator like no other. If it can wait, it usually does.

    As far as the weight issue goes, kudos for dropping the 7 pounds! It's a start, but it doesn't have to be the end of things. Heather and I slimmed down, and by making better choices in what we buy, cheaper too in the long run. We used to spend over $100 per week on food...each! Now we barely hit $50. It's all about caloric intake. Let me know if you'd like any tips on what Heather and I have for all our meals.

    By Blogger Silver, at 13:02  

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